Bangalow Historical Society

Over 2023, the Society hosted its own markets, Art and Craft Fairs, book launches, garage sales, cakes stalls, funerals and wakes, held morning teas for groups of visiting senior citizens, and exhibitions, which run for six weeks.
One of the most popular 2023 exhibitions, ‘Brides, Bridesmaids and Ballgowns’ attracted dozens of fascinated visitors, who paid a $5 entry fee which included the program. The next exhibition happening in March-April 2024 is titled ‘Teddy Bears, Dolls and Doll Houses’.

Kids’ days at the museum attract keen interest from primary school-aged kids. One in particular was a hit: the 1950s games day, where kids could experiment with such toys as slinkies, hoola hoops, dominoes, drafts, and knuckles. (Hundreds-and-thousands on white bread, milkshakes and choo choo bars were also available.)

In previous years, the Society ran a tea-rooms on the verandah. Though popular, this proved to detract from the purpose and function of the museum itself. These days, an independently operated coffee cart adjoining the museum building, provides drinks and snacks to visitors of all ages. It’s particularly popular on Saturday mornings when the Library Bus is stationed just outside on Ashton Street, as well as providing just what’s needed for the many parents of children using the two Piccabeen Park playgrounds.